Poles Apart – Epilogue Part 2

17 thoughts on “Poles Apart – Epilogue Part 2

  1. Beautiful ending
    Maan and his father’s relationship changed for the better
    They all enjoying family time is so sweet
    Thank you for sharing such a wonderful story

  2. Very beautiful and fantastic story 💕😻

    Loved it from my heart

    Specially the carecter of Maaneet

    Geet done everything for Maan to make him a family person 💖

    I’m missing this story 😔

  3. lovely ending of story

    maan donate his kidney to sanjiv change everything in their life

    ragini feel lifelong debated to maan n see the difference between maan n dev

    geet is support of maan in all this in their life

    sanjeev enjoying his life with his grandchildren

    ragini happy to get respect in KM

    vicky is impress with the way maan work n devote to maan

    life of maan n geet is with peace n happiness around them n family feeling

  4. This is one was my most favourite. Sad it’s endin. But it was beautiful ending. Maan is free from all the sorrows and is having his own family. Geet is wonderful women who brought every happiness in his life. Superb

  5. This is one was my most favourite. Sad it’s endin. But it was beautiful ending. Maan is free from all the sorrows and is having his own family. Geet is wonderful women who brought every happiness in his life. Superb

  6. Epilogue 2

    Extraordinary update… finely written

    adore the bond between Maan and Rano

    liked that Geet’s family gave Maan strength

    so Ragini invited Geet’s family for dinner

    Maan indeed realised that the strenuous environment at the house is vanishing

    finally Sanjeev opened up to Maan

    Maan’s reaction and thoughts were reasonable

    Sanjeev gave Maan a share in his personal property

    Maan was clearly upset

    oh its Maan’s birthday

    of cos they are celebrating grandly

    enjoyed their banter

    ahh Sanjeev arranged the party

    Maan’s behavior was anticipated

    feeling for Maan

    glad that Geet understood Maan and distracted him

    passionate night

    Maan’s confusion with Sanjeev was understandable

    oh no Sanjeev was hospitalised

    Maan was naturally worried

    Gosh Sanjeev’s his kidneys were failing

    not surprised that Maan was ready to donate his kidney

    Maan certainly wants to save his dad at any cost

    Geet’s comments and concern were justified 

    but she understood and supported Maan

    he was really emotional 

    great that assured Maan

    well Ragini was grateful to Maan for what he did

    hmm Maan allowed her to do his aarti

    good that Maan is recovering

    now Ragini is a changed person

    she wants to take care of Maan

    Maan’s mom came in his dreams, asked him to forgive his dad and be happy

    Sanjeev was extremely upset that Maan donated his kidney to him and put his life in danger

    at least Geet explained to Sanjeev what transpired

    6 years have passed

    Maaneet blessed with two adorable kids

    beautiful family 

    nice seeing everyone getting along

    Ryan and Jia are the life of the house

    loved Maan teasing Geet

    ha ha Geet is truly Maan’s boss

    perfect end! 

  7. Phenomenal Epilogue

    Wow just Wow !!!!

    Geet truely stood strong by Maan just like a pillar

    while Sanjeev did everything in his power to get Maan back

    and Maan was the only child of his that without a second thought

    donated his kidney to his father

    Dev on the other denied as he is young and good that he found someone

    to love

    Annie and Vicky wanted to donate but they are too young

    Ragini on the other hand dedicated her life to Maan , Geet and their kids

    wow interesting that Annie found someone and great that Maan found

    him, Arjun worthy of Annie

    I loved Maan’s dream about his mother and her advise to him

    at least he became fully free and embraced all members of his family

    with his heart

  8. Awesome and lovely epilogue, thoroughly enjoyed maaneet’s journey …..wanna share one personal experience though it was irrelevant, this kidney donate thing reminded me one painful thing , I myself donated my kidney to my mother in January, 2024 but I couldn’t save her and she went to heaven in February 2024 😭 😭😭😭

    Any way loved this maaneet story , Sanjeev was trying his best to become maan’s father but Maan was not ready to give him chance , though he didn’t insult him but maintained a cold relationship, he was more comfortable with geet’s family specially rano . Ragini too didn’t disturb maaneet , even she invited geet’s family and that surprised Maan, Maan felt that the house is becoming home and geet was there as his biggest strength and love . one incident changed everything….. Maan saved his father by donating his kidney , as a son he did his duty and geet too didn’t stop him . Ragini bowed down in front of Maan, he was uncomfortable but didn’t behave rude with her , Ragini took care of Maan when he got discharge from hospital but she did everything with maaneet’s permission. Sanjeev was angry when he came to know what maan did for him , he was in guilt but geet made him understand. Maan saw his mom in dreams and she told him to accept the present, and geet is always there for her . time passed maaneet became proud parents of two cuties and maan accepted the family of his father , only Dev was out of sight and mind cos that was maan’s condition and he proved himself as selfish when his father was ill.

    will be miss this story .

    1. Hi Thanks for your wonderful comment. And more for sharing about your mother. I am so sorry to hear about her but proud of hearing what you did. You will always be blessed by her. Never thought this could connect with anyone.

  9. What a beautiful epilogue….as always amazing….loved it loved it and did not want it to end at all…but all good things must come to n end ofcourse

    maan bonding so well with rano ma….geet has no idea what those two talk about but she is so happy for her guy…..this is what she wanted happiness for him….he is surprised by his family being involvedin dinners too…but keeps quiet as rano and geet have no problme he has no problem too..

    she is slowly but steadily opening up his heart and most importatnly his family’s heart tothe real maan and making them realise what they have missed till now and his dad what he has done or not done till now…

    you can see it in the efforts mr khurana is making to be a true dad….he does not want praises or anyting…..just wants to be part of his son’s life….and he is doing it honestly adn sincerely too…

    maan can sense the change in the atmosphere at his home…..its not as bitter now…things seem like a home not a house….

    so are his siblings annie and vicky….annie was always maan’s favorite because she did not bother and always spoke to him nicely…..but vicky surprised maan and so he has started to mentor him and can see the efforts his brother is putting….

    his dad’s visit to talk about or rather give him the papers for the property keeping nothing says a lot….ofcourse maan is not going to let that change his mind but he can see the effort….he has never let them live a lower lifestyle just because they were mean to him and he will never do in the future too……that s his mom’s upbringing….

    but look at dad arranged the birthday party carefully and was not expecting thanks but geet brought maan to him to thank him….that was very sweet of her….

    maan so troubled by his dad and his efforts so takes off on a tour and to meet his business demands too…

    and what a way to find an answer…..his father falling sick and he rushing back to save him….you can see what that means to him….he just wants his dad healthy before his eyes….but so sweet he took geet’s permission to donate his kidney to his dad…..as she has full right on him on everything of his including himself…..ragini so so moved by his action….efven her so called son dev refused to do anything…maan did not hesitate even for a second….he gave her assurance too just by being there and looking at her….she knew immediately mr.khurana will be fine….

    and geet though worried for him had to let him be a son to take care of his dad…how can she refuse his request…..but she put conditions on tking care of him …..and he followed all her rules about his health..

    when dad finds what maan has done..he feels so low and disgusted on himself…..he who deserves only punishment has been given a second chance by the same son….he gives ragini a earfull for asking maan to save him…

    ragini approaching maan for the first time and asking his permission to take care of him in small ways..and she really has changed completely…..she realises what a gem of a person maan is and geet is the one who has brought this happiness he has now…so how can she not respect these two and love them now right…..

    and what a ending….so sos nice to see the whole family together….maan and geet with kids and parents acting as grandparents..true grandparents whom his kids love ……that is family….

    so would have liked to see more such interactions,….but glad to see a healthy ending…

  10. Wonderful Ending good plot the way Maan donated his kidney to his father was just amazing … happy to see him lead a peaceful life…. thanks for the beautiful story ❤️❤️ waiting to read more beautiful works from you

  11. wonderful update

    beautiful ending !!

    Finally whole family is bonded together with Joy and contentment 🥰

    I loved reading this FF so much Anu

    Thank you for giving us such a beautiful story 💐

    Keep up the good work👍

    looking forward for more wonder Stories from you 🙂

    Best Wishes

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