DD – Chapter 43 – Change


16 thoughts on “DD – Chapter 43 – Change

    1. Sorry but I had to add :

      Geet enjoyed herself with office staff

      and Maan taking his wife to lunch when he observes she wants to say

      something and Geet tells Maan she wants to sit amongst people

      and in no time Maan orders the manager do so as his wife wants to feel

      the full ambience of the restaurant .

      I love Dadima telling Geet how Maan presented her a gift and she had

      to remind him to say “Happy Birthday” , though he showed toughness

      but he cared deeply about Dadima.

      Geet kissing Maan on his back shows she is certainly coming out of her

      inhibitions , and Maan he just loved the fact that his wife came to him

      Mrs D’Sousa has her daughter’s wedding and Maan’s kindness came out

      so genuinely

      yet he reminds Mrs D’Sousa that Geet is the Woman of the House

      now I’m waiting to see what punishment Maan gives his Darling wife

  1. Awesome update . maan’s employees welcomed geet wholeheartedly and she gelled with them , then devil took his wife for lunch ❤️ nowadays her wish is like a command for Maan….and they ate between people ….loved their conversation…..Maan wanted to bring back old geet and geet wanted to bring back happiness in his life cos she knew circumstances forced him to create strong wall around himself . dadima was so emotional cos first time Maan gave her birthday gift and she shared this with geet cos she knew this is happened cos of her love . truly slowly Maan is changing and that’s why he decided to help mrs. D’Souza cos she is loyal to him .

    Loveddddd the vm ❤️😍 waitinnnnnnn for part 2

  2. both maan n geet can see changes in other

    maan challenge geet that if she turn in to her real self bubbly then he will be like how she wants him

    daadi happy to see change in maan but she also wants original geet back

  3. Hey dear, loved to meet with the devil after sooo long, I was really longing for him🙈🙈

    the way u right I can feel the turmoil Maan is in in between showing or hiding his emotions, I myself have gone through this phase in my life for a very small amount of time, but those months was nothing less than hell

    but when u have a lovely partner who will love you the way u r it makes things much easier and easy to let go, we don’t have to pretend to be strong, we can cry our heart out, or can even wipe the snot on their clothes😂😂

    loving the way u r showing the growth of their husband and wife relationship, the physical chemistry was never an issue for this couple, passion was already overwhelming but this emotional healing phase, I love it😘😘

  4. This was so cool update ever.. happy to see the changes in the devil which was brought by his wife…

    so good that geet made him have a lunch amidst people and their conversation was so nice…

    And finally their on with their deal like bringing back their true nature which is hidden from the outworld…

    Happy to see Maan being open with concern for Mrs.D’zosa was nice…

    Daadima too was happy to see her grandson getting back out of his shell…

    waiting to read more thanks for the PM dear ❤️

  5. Hi Anu

    thanks for the update

    Chapter 43

    Part 1

    Impeccable update… grandly written 

    so they went to have lunch at a restaurant in the hotel that Maan owned

    of cos Geet wanted Maan to be around people

    good that he acceded to his request

    admire that Maan and Geet can do anything for each other

    liked Maan teasing Geet

    aww Maan flirting with Geet

    Geet was indeed amazed with Maan’s soft tone

    glad that Maan is opening up to Geet

    as expected Maan does not want to be weak

    his past has shaped him

    sad that he suffered so much

    pleased that Geet assured him

    Maan’s response was justified 

    Geet’s thoughts well portrayed

    she certainly accepted Maan as he is

    Maan’s question was anticipated

    great that he wants that crazy Geet back! 

    Gosh he made a deal with her

    he wants that crazy Geet back and he will give the Maan she wants

    Geet was overwhelmed

    her thoughts were reasonable

    well Geet wants Maan to be genuinely happy

    she clearly understands Maan

    oh she accepted the challenge

    Geet has made a positive impact on Maan and his life

    loved Maan wishing dadima in his way

    dadima was really emotional

    nice that dadima thanked Geet

    Maan is changing, all thanks to Geet

    Geet was awed 

    amazing moments between Maaneet

    hmm she owes him two apologies

    Maan was naturally upset that Geet was not at home

    Maan really cares for Mrs. D’ Souza

    he surely knows everything about her

    but was upset she did not invite him to the wedding

    not surprised that he offered to pay for the wedding

    wonder what Geet sent Maan?

  6. Beautiful part
    Love the change in Maan
    The way he talked to Mrs D’Sousa was so touching and could feel his disappointment in not knowing about the wedding earlier
    Dadima is his pillar which he try’s to protect from himself but now things has started to change and waiting for Maan to be freely and openly express his feelings
    Waiting to read 2nd part and Geet’s plan yo bring old Maaneet back again
    Cont soon

  7. beautiful part. Maan is changing for good. He is opening to geet and she is ready to do anything to get the actual Maan. Convo between mrs Dsouza and Maan is beautiful. Thanks for wonderful update

  8. wow wow what a beautiful update.

    look at both of them…..how far they have come …..they are so open with each other…truly respecting the other person and wanting only happiness for them…..that is so so beautiful….

    maanwilling to be with public just to please her…his spontaneoius comment on her laugh…so lovely

    he wants the original geet and she wants the hidden maan….how he is with her out in the open….so they challenge each other eh…

    look at it dadi too wants that geet back….she feels its only that geet who can bring maan out completely….he has already started becoming a more humane verson of himself….he even bought her a gift and wished her in his own way….dadi is so proud and he acutally likes having her in the house with them….

    so so loved the morning incident with marks on his shirt and apologies….geet is definitely going to have rough night with him now…..looking forward….

    and then comes maan and ms. desouza….so nice..she is seeing a new side to him….one who is hurt and actually showing it too….


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